Internet Technologies

Tasks studies - laboratory

Project maintained by dawidolko Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by dawidolko


1. Create an index.html file and save all tasks there.

2. Remember to format the entire page content with CSS.

3. Page attributes: yellow background, top and bottom margin 10px, right and left margin 5px.

4. Create a table

5. Create a list

A. First position

B. Second position

7. First position

8. Second position

a. First position

b. Second position

C. Third position

6. Create a form

Task 7.

Create a gallery.html document that has the same navigation bar as the main document. The home page link should lead to this document, and the gallery document should have a level 2 header Gallery. Then, place gal1-gal10.jpg photos in the document.

Task 8.

Create an external style sheet called main_style.css, which you then correctly attach to the main HTML document. Then:

Rounded edges: 50%

Content spacing from the left and right borders: 15px

Spacing from the top and bottom borders: 10px

No border

Task 9.

In the gallery.html file, add an internal CSS style that

Task 10.

Add a so-called hamburger menu to the navigation bar, i.e. an element that is invisible by default (on larger screens), but will be visible on mobile devices and will collapse/expand the menu when clicked with the mouse. Use an appropriately made checkbox for this purpose. The checkbox should be invisible there, only its label, which contains the ☰ sign, is visible.

Add a media query to the internal style in the previous task, which for screens below 400px.