Internet Technologies

Tasks studies - laboratory

Project maintained by dawidolko Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by dawidolko


1. Create an index.html file and save all tasks there.

2. Remember to format the entire page content with CSS.

3. Page attributes: green background, all margins 100px, Verdana font – red, 15px, italic

4. Create a table

5. Create a list

•First position
7. First position
8. Second position
10. Third position
a. First position
b. Second position
I. First position
II. Second position
c. Third position
11. Fourth position
•Second position

6. Create a form

• Before hover: Arial; 20px; yellow • During hover: Arial; 100px; red • After clicking: Verdana; 20px; gray; no underline LINK should lead to the page: link