Tasks studies - laboratory
JSON and JavaScript are closely related concepts in the world of programming. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a data format derived from JavaScript that is based on the object syntax of the language. It is a way of representing data in a form that is readable both by humans and machines.
The JSON syntax is very similar to the syntax for objects and arrays in JavaScript, which makes the format easy to understand for developers working in JS. JavaScript uses methods such as JSON.parse()
to convert JSON data into JS objects and JSON.stringify()
to convert JavaScript objects into JSON format.
Data in JSON format are widely used in web applications as a means of transferring data between the server and the browser. In addition, JSON has found wide usage in storing data in NoSQL databases, in application configurations, and as a data interchange format between different systems and platforms.
Although JSON has its roots in JavaScript, it has become a universal data format used in other programming languages as well. It is an efficient way to store and process data, and it has gained popularity thanks to its simplicity, flexibility, and readability. More details can be found in the specification:
. The key must be a string enclosed in double quotes, and the value can be any supported data type (number, string, object, array, boolean, or null), separated by a colon.[]
and contain values separated by commas; these values can be any supported data type, including other objects or arrays." "
. They may be single words, sentences, or sequences of characters.true
or false
, representing truth or falsehood.null
"osoba": {
"imie": "Anna",
"nazwisko": "Kowalska",
"wiek": 30,
"adres": {
"ulica": "Kwiatowa",
"numer": 10,
"miasto": "Warszawa"
"telefon": ["123-456-789", "987-654-321"],
"aktywny": true,
"znizka": null
"produkty": [
"nazwa": "Koszula",
"rozmiar": "M",
"cena": 49.99,
"dostepny": true
"nazwa": "Spodnie",
"rozmiar": "L",
"cena": 79.99,
"dostepny": false
// Example JSON string
const jsonString = '{
"name": "John",
"age": 30,
"city": "New York"
// Convert JSON to an object
const jsonObject = JSON.parse(jsonString);
// Access object fields
console.log("Name: " + jsonObject.name); // Outputs: Name: John
console.log("Age: " + jsonObject.age); // Outputs: Age: 30
console.log("City: " + jsonObject.city); // Outputs: City: New York
Cookies, Local Storage, and Session Storage are mechanisms for storing data in the web browser. Each has its own usage depending on the application’s needs, data retention time, and the nature of the data to be stored.
// Cookie named "user" with value "John Doe" that expires in 30 days for the specific domain "example.com"
const expirationDate = new Date(
Date.now() + 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
document.cookie =
"user=John Doe; expires=" + expirationDate + "; domain=example.com; path=/";
// Cookie named "darkMode" with value "true" that expires in 365 days for the domain "anotherdomain.com"
const anotherExpirationDate = new Date(
Date.now() + 365 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000
document.cookie =
"darkMode=true; expires=" +
anotherExpirationDate +
"; domain=anotherdomain.com; path=/";
// Saving data in localStorage
localStorage.setItem("userName", "JohnDoe");
localStorage.setItem("userAge", "25");
// Retrieving data from localStorage
const name = localStorage.getItem("userName");
const age = localStorage.getItem("userAge");
console.log(`User Name: ${name}, Age: ${age}`);
// Removing data from localStorage
// Checking the number of stored items
const dataCount = localStorage.length;
console.log(`Number of items stored in localStorage: ${dataCount}`);
// Clearing all data from localStorage
// Saving data in sessionStorage
sessionStorage.setItem("userName", "JohnDoe");
sessionStorage.setItem("userAge", "25");
// Retrieving data from sessionStorage
const name = sessionStorage.getItem("userName");
const age = sessionStorage.getItem("userAge");
console.log(`User Name: ${name}, Age: ${age}`);
// Removing data from sessionStorage
// Checking the number of stored items in sessionStorage
const dataCount = sessionStorage.length;
console.log(`Number of items stored in sessionStorage: ${dataCount}`);
// Clearing all data from sessionStorage
A REST API (Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface) is an architectural style that defines a set of principles for communication between web applications. REST is a design style for APIs that uses standard web protocols such as HTTP, URI, and JSON to enable communication between clients and servers.
, /products/123
).The above principles will be useful when implementing a REST API. For now, it is important to remember that the HTTP GET method is used to request a resource from a REST API at a given URL.
An older interface for sending requests was XHR (XMLHttpRequest):
Nowadays, the fetch API is used:
An example of a free API that does not require authentication via an API key is available here:
In the documentation, there is a form where you can create a link to the resources of interest:
Another widely used example of documentation is one similar to:
For example, here is a sample request to open-meteo.com for temperature and cloud cover data for 7 days before and 7 days after today:
// URL for the weather forecast data
const weatherForecastURL =
// Use fetch to get the data
.then((response) => {
// Check if the response is OK (status code 200)
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error("Network response was not ok.");
return response.json(); // Parse the response as JSON
.then((data) => {
// Handle the data from the response
console.log("Received data:", data);
// Here you can process the weather data
.catch((error) => {
// Handle errors
console.error("An error occurred:", error);
Calling this request will return data in JSON format where arrays such as time
, temperature_2m
, and cloud_cover
contain data for time, temperature, and cloud cover for consecutive hours:
The Canvas element provides a programming interface that allows for real‑time rendering of graphics in the web browser. It is commonly used in web design, graphics creation tools, online games, and anywhere dynamic graphics are key to interactivity and visualization.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
style="border:1px solid #000;"></canvas>
// Get the canvas element
const canvas = document.getElementById("myCanvas");
const ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
// Draw lines
ctx.moveTo(50, 50); // Starting point of the first line (x=50, y=50)
ctx.lineTo(200, 50); // End of the first line (x=200, y=50)
ctx.moveTo(50, 100); // Starting point of the second line (x=50, y=100)
ctx.lineTo(200, 100); // End of the second line (x=200, y=100)
ctx.moveTo(50, 150); // Starting point of the third line (x=50, y=150)
ctx.lineTo(200, 150); // End of the third line (x=200, y=150)
ctx.stroke(); // Render the lines
For more examples of drawing shapes, see:
Create a form that saves the data entered into localStorage in real time.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
<input id="pole_form" type="text" />
.addEventListener("keyup", function (e) {
// Log the form field value using e.target, which refers to the element where the event occurred
// Log the value using "this"
Additional notes:
Create an application that retrieves temperature data for the next 7 days from the open-meteo.com API and displays it in a table where the text color reflects the temperature value.
Additional notes:
Create a temperature chart based on the previously fetched data from the open-meteo.com API using the Canvas element.
Additional notes: